Почему я не могу запустить демонстрационное приложение на эмуляторе Ubuntu-Touch

Я только что создал новый сенсорный эмулятор Ubuntu (Ubuntu 14.10 SDK i386 Devel).

Check device image version..
X86 Emulator 

У меня есть код QML по умолчанию:

import QtQuick 2.0
import Ubuntu.Components 1.1

    \brief MainView with a Label and Button elements.

MainView {
    // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5)
    objectName: "mainView"

    // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest
    applicationName: "com.ubuntu.developer.username.newapp"

     This property enables the application to change orientation
     when the device is rotated. The default is false.
    //automaticOrientation: true

    // Removes the old toolbar and enables new features of the new header.
    useDeprecatedToolbar: false

    width: units.gu(100)
    height: units.gu(75)

    Page {
        title: i18n.tr("Simple")

        Column {
            spacing: units.gu(1)
            anchors {
                margins: units.gu(2)
                fill: parent

            Label {
                id: label
                objectName: "label"

                text: i18n.tr("Hello..")

            Button {
                objectName: "button"
                width: parent.width

                text: i18n.tr("Tap me!")

                onClicked: {
                    label.text = i18n.tr("..world!")

Когда я запускаю мое приложение на моем эмуляторе, у меня есть два предупреждения:

:-1: warning: desktop_Exec (app): found unexpected Exec with architecture 'all': ./qtc_device_debughelper.py

а также

:-1: warning: security_policy_groups_safe_app (debug): (REJECT) reserved policy group 'debug': not for production use
The debug policy group is automatically injected and should only be used for development.
To create a package for the store use the publish tab!

Очевидно, мое приложение не запускается на Ubuntu-Touch...

Это мой вывод приложения:

Warning: Permanently added '[]:10000' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Sdk-Launcher> Executing:     /tmp/com.ubuntu.developer.username.newapp_0.1_all.click
Sdk-Launcher> Force Install: False
Sdk-Launcher> Skip Uninstall:False
Sdk-Launcher> Launcher PID: 12359
Sdk-Launcher> Installing application .....
Sdk-Launcher> Installing the application failed

И это мой вывод компиляции:

16:34:07: Running steps for project newApp...
sending incremental file list
deleting qtc_device_debughelper.py

sent 480 bytes  received 86 bytes  1.13K bytes/sec
total size is 40.86K  speedup is 72.19
16:34:07: The process "/usr/bin/rsync" exited normally.
WARNING:root:Ignoring missing framework "ubuntu-sdk-14.10"
Successfully built package in './com.ubuntu.developer.username.newapp_0.1_all.click'.
16:34:07: The process "/usr/bin/click" exited normally.
16:34:07: The click package has been created in /home/morgan/qt/build-newApp-u1504_GCC_i386_ubuntu_sdk_14_10_utopic-default
= content_hub =
  "error": {},
  "info": {},
  "warn": {}
= desktop =
  "error": {},
  "info": {
    "desktop_Comment_boilerplate (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_Exec_webapp_args (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "SKIPPED (not webapp-container or webbrowser-app)"
    "desktop_Exec_webapp_container (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "SKIPPED (not webapp-container)"
    "desktop_Exec_webbrowser (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "SKIPPED (not webbrowser-app)"
    "desktop_Icon (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_Terminal (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_Type (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_Version (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK (not specified)"
    "desktop_X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK (not specified)"
    "desktop_X-Ubuntu-StageHint (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK (not specified)"
    "desktop_X-Ubuntu-Touch (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_blacklisted_keys (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_duplicate_keys (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_files_usable": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_groups (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_required_fields_not_empty (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_required_keys (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "desktop_validates (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
  "warn": {
    "desktop_Exec (app)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "found unexpected Exec with architecture 'all': ./qtc_device_debughelper.py"
= functional =
  "error": {},
  "info": {
    "functional_qml_applicationName_matches_manifest": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "functional_qml_application_uses_QtWebKit": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "functional_qml_application_uses_UbuntuWebView_0.2": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "functional_qml_application_uses_friends": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
  "warn": {}
= lint =
  "error": {},
  "info": {
    "lint_DEBIAN_extra_files": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_DEBIAN_has_control": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_DEBIAN_has_manifest": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_DEBIAN_has_md5sums": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_DEBIAN_has_preinst": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_click_files": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_click_local_extensions": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_architecture_match": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_architecture_specified_needed": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "SKIPPED: architecture is 'all'"
    "lint_control_architecture_valid": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_architecture_valid_contents": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_click_version_up_to_date": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_description_match": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_has_Architecture": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_has_Click-Version": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_has_Description": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_has_Installed-Size": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_has_Maintainer": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_has_Package": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_has_Version": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_installed_size": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_maintainer_match": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_package_match": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_structure": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_control_version_match": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_description": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_description_present": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_exclusive_hooks_app": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_external_symlinks": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_framework": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_hardcoded_paths": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_hooks_app_apparmor": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK (run check-security for more checks)"
    "lint_hooks_app_apparmor_known": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_hooks_app_desktop_known": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_hooks_app_valid": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_hooks_multiple_apps": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_hooks_redflag_app": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_icon_present": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "Skipped, optional icon not present"
    "lint_maintainer_domain": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK (package domain=('com.ubuntu.developer.', 'net.launchpad.'))"
    "lint_maintainer_format": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_maintainer_present": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_manifest_architecture_valid": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_md5sums": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_package_filename_arch_match": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_package_filename_arch_valid": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_package_filename_format": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_package_filename_matches_namespace": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_package_filename_pkgname_match": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_package_filename_version_match": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_pkgname_valid": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_preinst": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_sdk_security_extension_app": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_title": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_title_present": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_vcs_files": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "lint_version_valid": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
  "warn": {}
= online_accounts =
  "error": {},
  "info": {},
  "warn": {}
= push_helper =
  "error": {},
  "info": {},
  "warn": {}
= scope =
  "error": {},
  "info": {},
  "warn": {}
= security =
  "error": {
    "security_policy_groups_safe_app (debug)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "(REJECT) reserved policy group 'debug': not for production use"
  "info": {
    "security_ignored_fields (app.apparmor)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_policy_groups_duplicates_app (app.apparmor)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_policy_groups_exists_app (app.apparmor)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_policy_groups_safe_app (networking)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_policy_groups_valid_app (debug)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_policy_groups_valid_app (networking)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_policy_vendor (app.apparmor)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_policy_version_exists (app.apparmor)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_policy_version_is_highest (1.2, app.apparmor)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_policy_version_matches_framework (app.apparmor)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_redflag_fields (app.apparmor)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
    "security_template_valid (app.apparmor)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK (none specified)"
    "security_template_with_policy_version (app.apparmor)": {
      "manual_review": false,
      "text": "OK"
  "warn": {}
= url_dispatcher =
  "error": {},
  "info": {},
  "warn": {}
16:34:08: The process "/usr/bin/click" exited with code 1.
16:34:08: Ignoring return code for this step
16:34:08: Uploading file '/home/morgan/qt/build-newApp-u1504_GCC_i386_ubuntu_sdk_14_10_utopic-default/com.ubuntu.developer.username.newapp_0.1_all.click'...
16:34:08: Uploading file '/usr/share/qtcreator/ubuntu/scripts/qtc_device_applaunch.py'...
16:34:08: All files successfully deployed.
16:34:08: Deploy step finished.
16:34:08: Elapsed time: 00:02.

И это мой манифест.json

    "architecture": "all",
    "description": "description of newApp",
    "framework": "ubuntu-sdk-14.10",
    "hooks": {
        "app": {
            "apparmor": "app.apparmor",
            "desktop": "app.desktop"
    "maintainer": "Morgan DURAND <moi@morgan-durand.com>",
    "name": "com.ubuntu.developer.username.newapp",
    "title": "newApp",
    "version": "0.1"


Я решил создать новый эмулятор с нуля.

Первый шаг, создайте эмулятор:

введите описание изображения здесь

Checking installed emulator package.
ii ubuntu-emulator 0.4+15.04.20141104.1-0ubuntu1

Search configured emulator instances.
ubuntui386 ubuntu=20140917,device=20140917,version=243,arch=i386

Detecting device..
Creating new emulator instance.
Creating "ubui386" from devel revision 243

Setting up...

Setting up a default password for phablet to: '0000'

Теперь я создаю новый комплект, нажимая на кнопку "Автоматически создавать комплект".введите описание изображения здесь

Это результат автоматического создания:введите описание изображения здесь

Это мой манифест.json:

    "architecture": "all",
    "description": "description of newApp",
    "framework": "ubuntu-sdk-14.10",
    "hooks": {
        "app": {
            "apparmor": "app.apparmor",
            "desktop": "app.desktop"
    "maintainer": "Morgan DURAND <moi@morgan-durand.com>",
    "name": "com.ubuntu.developer.username.newapp",
    "title": "newApp",
    "version": "0.1"

У меня все та же проблема

NB. Я создаю образ i386, потому что не могу создать образ armhf:

Checking installed emulator package.
ii ubuntu-emulator 0.4+15.04.20141104.1-0ubuntu1

Search configured emulator instances.
cat: /home/morgan/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/ubuntuarmhf/.device: No such file or directory

Detecting device..
Creating new emulator instance.
Creating "ubuntuarmhf" from devel revision 243

Setting up...

Setting up a default password for phablet to: '0000'

chroot: failed to run command ‘/bin/sh’: Exec format error

Search configured emulator instances.
cat: /home/morgan/.local/share/ubuntu-emulator/ubuntuarmhf/.device: No such file or directory

1 ответ


Эта ошибка возникает, когда архитектура эмулятора не соответствует архитектуре цели щелчка, используемой для сборки пакета. (Мне понадобилось много времени, чтобы понять это.)

Согласно выводу компиляции, который вы включили в свое сообщение, вы используете цель клика i386. Я предполагаю, что у вас есть встроенный и работающий эмулятор armhf, отсюда и ошибка.

Вам необходимо выполнить одно из следующих действий:

  • Создать эмулятор i386 (это рекомендуемый вариант)
  • Создайте цель клика armhf (вы можете сделать это, перейдя в Tools->Options... в Qt Creator и нажав "Ubuntu" в списке сбоку)

Я рекомендую первый вариант, так как эмулятор i386 будет работать на несколько порядков быстрее, чем armhf. (Эмулятор armhf должен эмулировать процессор ARM.)

Другие вопросы по тегам