Проблемы с sddm: отсутствует sddm.conf, не работает sddm sddm-kcm, случайные проблемы с baloo
Системные спецификации, отформатированные для удобства чтения. Я добавлю, какие пакеты, связанные с плазмой, у меня внизу, потому что они довольно длинные
[][]uname -a
>Linux kublai-1888 4.18.0-15-generic #16-Ubuntu
>SMP Thu Feb 7 10:56:39 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>Driver Version: 390.87
>(downgraded from 415 which previously worked on a different
>installation because I was not able to switch off of Nouveau)
[][]apt list --installed | grep sddm
kde-config-sddm/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed]
sddm-theme-breeze/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
sddm/cosmic,now 0.18.0-1ubuntu2 amd64 [installed,automatic]
Я могу войти в систему в порядке. GPU установлен на мой 960M GPU, протестирован как активный GPU, а Nouveau не занесен в черный список. Проблемы - это графические глюки, ошибка Baloo, невозможность установить темы и проблема со стабильностью системы, которую я не получил после 4.15. Переустановка sddm не помогает.
Выход из sddm sddm-kcm
[16:21:09.821] (II) DAEMON: Initializing...
[16:21:09.825] (II) DAEMON: Starting...
[16:21:09.825] (II) DAEMON: Logind interface found
[16:21:09.827] (II) DAEMON: Adding new display on vt 1 ...
[16:21:09.827] (II) DAEMON: Loading theme configuration from ""
[16:21:09.827] (II) DAEMON: Display server starting...
[16:21:09.828] (II) DAEMON: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/sddm/{30a829c0-5160-4354-bc03-36bc14b823b3} -background none -noreset -displayfd 16 -seat seat0 vt1
[16:21:09.829] (EE) DAEMON: Failed to read display number from pipe
[16:21:09.830] (EE) DAEMON: Display server failed to start. Exiting
Aborted (core dumped)
Выдача sudo sddm sddm-kcm
зависает, и требует, чтобы я взял на себя ответственность за мои файлы конфигурации, в противном случае у меня возникают проблемы с интерфейсом. Выполнение этих команд в TTY с service sddm stop
возвращает отображение не найдено, что является данным.
Мне также не хватает файлов, упомянутых в man sddm.conf
visitor@visitor-69:~$ /usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d
bash: /usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d: No such file or directory
visitor@visitor-69:~$ /etc/sddm.conf.d
bash: /etc/sddm.conf.d: No such file or directory
visitor@visitor-69:~$ /etc/sddm.conf
bash: /etc/sddm.conf: No such file or directory
Бег whereis sddm.conf
sddm: / usr / bin / sddm / usr / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu / sddm / etc / sddm / usr / share / sddm /usr/share/man/man1/sddm.1.gz
Жирный для видимости.
/ usr / bin / sddm: первый результат - приложение.
/ usr / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu / sddm: каталог, содержащий файл, известный как sddm-helper
и возвращает ту же ошибку при запуске sddm sddm-helper
/etc/sddm: содержит один файл, Xsession, который я добавлю внизу.
/ usr / share / sddm: содержит сессию wayland Xsession Xsetup Xstop
/usr/share/man/man1/sddm.1.gz: содержит один.conf, который я предполагаю по умолчанию. Я хотел бы знать, должен ли я использовать это, чтобы заменить все мои отсутствующие sddm.confs.
$ apt list --installed | плазма
kdeplasma-addons-data/cosmic,cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 all [installed,automatic]
libkf5plasma-dev/cosmic,now 5.54.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed]
libkf5plasma-doc/cosmic,cosmic,now 5.54.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 all [installed]
libkf5plasma5/cosmic,now 5.54.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
libkf5plasmaquick5/cosmic,now 5.54.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
libplasma-geolocation-interface5/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
libplasma3/cosmic,now 4:4.14.38-0ubuntu6 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-browser-integration/cosmic,now 5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-dataengines-addons/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-desktop-data/cosmic,cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 all [installed,automatic]
plasma-desktop/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-discover-common/cosmic,cosmic,now 5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 all [installed,automatic]
plasma-discover-snap-backend/cosmic,now 5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-discover/cosmic,now 5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-framework/cosmic,now 5.54.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-integration/cosmic,now 5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-nm/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-pa/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-runners-addons/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-scriptengine-javascript/cosmic,now 4:17.08.3-0ubuntu2 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-vault/cosmic,now 5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-wallpapers-addons/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-widgets-addons/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
plasma-workspace/cosmic,now 4:5.15.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu18.10~ppa1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
/usr/share/man/man1/sddm.1.gz, извлечено в sddm.conf.5:
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
.TH SDDM.CONF 5 "August 2015" "sddm 0.18.0" "sddm"
sddm.conf \- sddm display manager configuration
.nr rst2man-indent-level 0
.de1 rstReportMargin
\\$1 \\n[an-margin]
level \\n[rst2man-indent-level]
level margin: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
.\" .rstReportMargin pre:
. RS \\$1
. nr rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level] \\n[an-margin]
. nr rst2man-indent-level +1
.\" .rstReportMargin post:
. RE
.\" indent \\n[an-margin]
.\" old: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
.nr rst2man-indent-level -1
.\" new: \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]
.in \\n[rst2man-indent\\n[rst2man-indent-level]]u
Configuration loads all files in the configuration directories followed by the configuration file in the order listed below with the latter having the most precedent. Changes should be made to the local configurations.
.B \fB/usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d\fP
System configuration directory
.B \fB/etc/sddm.conf.d\fP
Local configuration directory
.B \fB/etc/sddm.conf\fP
Local configuration file for compatibility
This file configures various parameters of the sddm display manager \fBsddm\fP(1).
If this file is not available, default values are used.
[General] section:
.B \fIHaltCommand=\fP
Halt command.
Default value is "/bin/systemctl poweroff".
.B \fIRebootCommand=\fP
Reboot command.
Default value is "/bin/systemctl reboot".
.B \fINumlock=\fP
Change numlock state when \fBsddm\-greeter\fP starts.
Valid values are \fIon\fP, \fIoff\fP or \fInone\fP\&.
If property is set to \fInone\fP, numlock won\(aqt be changed.
Default value is "none".
.B \fIInputMethod=\fP
Set the Qt input method for the greeter.
Tablet users with Qt Virtual Keyboard installed can set this
to "qtvirtualkeyboard" for the on\-screen keyboard.
Other known values are "ibus" for the Intelligent Input Bus,
or "compose" for dead keys support.
Leave this empty if unsure.
.B \fINamespaces=\fP
Comma\-separated list of paths bound to Linux namespaces to enter with
setns() before starting the user session. For example, to enter network
namespace \fImynet\fP created with \fIip netns add mynet\fP, the value might be
\fI/run/netns/mynet\fP\&. Default value is empty. (The value is ignored if
the operating system is not Linux.)
[Theme] section:
.B \fIThemeDir=\fP
Path of the directory containing theme files.
Default value is "/usr/share/sddm/themes".
.B \fICurrent=\fP
Name of the current theme.
By default this setting is empty, meaning the embedded theme
will be used.
.B \fIFacesDir=\fP
Path of the directory containing face files,
face files should be in username.face.icon format.
Default value is "/usr/share/sddm/faces".
.B \fICursorTheme=\fP
Name of the cursor theme to be set before starting
the display server.
.B \fIEnableAvatars=\fP
When enabled, home directories are searched for ".face.icon" images to
display as their avatars. This can be slow on some file systems.
When disabled, all avatars will be default. Themes may choose to hide
them altogether.
Default value is true.
[X11] section:
.B \fIServerPath=\fP
Path of the X server.
Default value is "/usr/bin/X".
.B \fIServerArguments=\fP
Arguments to the X server.
Default value is "\-nolisten tcp".
.B \fIXephyrPath=\fP
Path of the Xephyr.
Default value is "/usr/bin/Xephyr".
.B \fIXauthPath=\fP
Path of the Xauth.
Default value is "/usr/bin/xauth".
.B \fISessionDir=\fP
Path of the directory containing session files.
Default value is "/usr/share/xsessions".
.B \fISessionCommand=\fP
Path of script to execute when starting the user session. This script
receives the value of the "Exec" setting in the ".desktop" file of the selected
session and runs it.
Default value is "/etc/sddm/Xsession".
.B \fISessionLogFile=\fP
Path to the user session log file, relative to the home directory.
Default value is ".local/share/sddm/xorg\-session.log".
.B \fIUserAuthFile=\fP
Path to the Xauthority file, relative to the home directory.
Default value is ".Xauthority".
.B \fIDisplayCommand=\fP
Path of script to execute when starting the display server.
Default value is "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup".
.B \fIDisplayStopCommand=\fP
Path of script to execute when stopping the display server.
Default value is "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop".
.B \fIMinimumVT=\fP
Minimum virtual terminal number that will be used
by the first display. Virtual terminal number will
increase as new displays added.
Default value is 1.
.B \fIEnableHiDPI=\fP
Enables Qt\(aqs automatic HiDPI scaling.
Can be either "true" or "false".
Default value is "false".
[Wayland] section:
.B \fISessionDir=\fP
Path of the directory containing session files.
Default value is "/usr/share/wayland\-sessions".
.B \fISessionCommand=\fP
Path of script to execute when starting the user session. This script
receives the value of the "Exec" setting in the ".desktop" file of the selected
session and run it.
Default value is "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/wayland\-session".
.B \fISessionLogFile=\fP
Path to the user session log file, relative to the home directory.
Default value is ".local/share/sddm/wayland\-session.log".
.B \fIEnableHiDPI=\fP
Enables Qt\(aqs automatic HiDPI scaling.
Can be either "true" or "false".
Default value is "false".
[Users] section:
.B \fIDefaultPath=\fP
Default path to set after successfully logging in.
This is also where SDDM looks for programs.
Default value is "/bin:/usr/bin".
.B \fIMinimumUid=\fP
Minimum user id of the users to be listed in the
user interface.
Default value is 1000.
.B \fIMaximumUid=\fP
Maximum user id of the users to be listed in the
user interface.
Default value is 60000
.B \fIHideUsers=\fP
Comma\-separated list of Users that shouldn\(aqt show up in the user list.
Default value is empty.
.B \fIHideShells=\fP
Comma\-separated list of Shells of users that shouldn\(aqt show up in the user list.
Default value is empty.
.B \fIRememberLastUser=\fP
If this flag is true, LastUser value will updated
on every successful login, if false last user value
won\(aqt be updated.
Default value is true.
.B \fIRememberLastSession=\fP
If this flag is true, LastSession value will updated
on every successful login, if false last session value
won\(aqt be updated.
Default value is true.
[Autologin] section:
.B \fIUser=\fP
Name of the user to automatically log in when the
system starts first time.
Default value is empty.
.B \fISession=\fP
Name of the session to automatically log in when the
system starts first time.
Default value is empty.
.B \fIRelogin=\fP
If true and User and Session are set automatic login will
kick in again on session exit, otherwise it will work
only the first time.
Default value is false.
The full documentation for sddm is available at \fI\%https://github.com/sddm/sddm\fP
.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.